Friday, May 17, 2024

    Bitoftrade: A New Anonymous Exchange to Leverage the Power of Crypto Trading

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    Bitoftrade, a new decentralized crypto exchange entered the market with a transparent, non-custodial solution that makes advanced trading tools accessible to any type of trader.

    bitoftrade allows users to get more from their crypto portfolio. The platform offers advanced trading tools such as leverage trading, limit orders and token swaps between over 900 tokens with optimized market prices directly from their wallets without registration or KYC verification.

    The last couple of years have seen fast-growing demand for crypto exchanges. During this time, two main types of exchanges emerged: centralized and decentralized. Centralized exchanges can offer excellent trading tools, but they have two problems. Firstly, they are custodial, which means that traders’ funds are at risk of being locked, or worse, hacked. Secondly, they require users to identify themselves through passing KYC and provide detailed information on the origin of their funds in order to make withdrawals.

    While decentralized exchanges are anonymous and non-custodial, they target a very sophisticated audience and most of them do not offer advanced trading tools (like leverage, for example). Their commissions are not straightforward; transaction speed is relatively low (compared with centralized exchanges), and customer service is either poor or unavailable.

    bitoftrade was created to provide crypto users with something different. It is a completely decentralized exchange (DEX) that guarantees anonymity, has no registration or KYC requirements, and offers a transparent fees structure.

    “Our mission is to provide crypto traders with a simple, secure, and transparent way of trading crypto-assets and increasing potential profit while staying in full control of their funds.” explains Igor Chygrynov, the CEO of bitoftrade: “We have worked hard to ensure the technology solutions on the platform are leading-edge, making them accessible to everyone.”

    The bitoftrade team believes that everyone should have sole control and management of their assets. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, bitoftrade’s advanced toolset, non-custodial politics, and transparent approach will make it easy to trade crypto using different trading tools.

    “To be accessible for everyone and lower the barriers to entry for beginners, bitoftrade offers a holistic trading experience. We are committed to listening carefully to our community’s voice and building solutions specific to their needs and problems.” Igor adds.

    bitoftrade’s exchange is completely anonymous, and does not require registration, verification of the source of funds, or KYC. On bitoftrade, crypto users can leverage crypto holdings with advanced tools and swap over 900 tokens.

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