Saturday, July 27, 2024

    tZERO Crypto App Now Available On Android

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    tZERO, the global leader in blockchain innovation for capital markets, through its tZERO Crypto unit, announced today that an Android version of its recently launched cryptocurrency mobile app (the “tZERO Crypto App”) is now available. Investors who want to participate in the global cryptocurrency market will be able to buy, sell and hold digital currencies directly on their mobile phone through the tZERO Crypto App, rather than using more vulnerable, third-party exchanges for custody.

    Initially, the tZERO Crypto App will support bitcoin and ethereum, two cryptocurrencies vetted for longevity, however, the company anticipates introducing additional digital assets to the app in the future. The iOS version of the digital wallet and exchange services app for cryptocurrencies was launched on June 27 and has been well received by users.

    tZERO CEO Saum Noursalehi said, “We are excited to bring our platform to Android users, which we believe will significantly expand our user-base. The accessibility of the tZERO Crypto App is critical in our plan to provide an intuitive trading experience for all digital assets

    tZERO Crypto is committed to compliance and safety and will utilize biometric authentication for added security and ease of use. Investors will also have access to tZERO’s unique private key recovery system to restore their funds and cryptocurrencies in the event that they lose their private keys or mobile phone.

    The app is available for download on the Google Play Store. For more information on tZERO Crypto, please visit:

    tZERO is a technology firm that was founded in 2014 with the goal of utilizing blockchain technology to revolutionize Wall Street so that financial processes could become less beholden to traditional institutional market structures and to bolster and enhance market integrity. tZERO is a keiretsu company of Medici Ventures, the blockchain subsidiary of, Inc..

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